Pangandaran Beach is one of tourism object at Kabupaten Ciamis, Provinsi Jawa Barat.This Beach is on Java South sea and noted at visit Indonesia the year 2008. In consequence, local government through Dinas Pariwisata and Budaya, always corrects and complements various area support facilities at Pangandaran beach Visitor can enjoy nature panorama of Pangandaran Beach which is beautiful and extent of white sand gradient of its fascinating coast. Two hills flanking Pangandaran Beach makes sea wind and wave ripples is relatively small, so visitor are able to do various activities, like swimming, boating encircles the peninsula, fishing, relaxing along the beach, or only enjoy the natural beauty from hotel, which spreading all over the area. Visitor can also watch sunset and sunrise from the same place. For visitor who wish to dive, in this area there is marine park with various beautiful flora and fauna.. The road around this coast has paved. All Facilities are accessible with motorbike or bicycle. When night arrives, visitor will remain comfortable resided in Pangandaran Beach, because the area has been equipped with adequate illuminator. Every weekend, West Java folk art usually performed. In certain months its performed by various event, like intention of fisherman sea Pangandaran in March, nyiar lumar in June, international kite festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) in July, decorative boat carnival in August, fishing competition in September, cross country vacation and off road event in October, and celebration party of new year in December. Location Pangandaran beach is located in Kecamatan Pangandaran, Sub-Province Ciamis, Province Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Access From Bandung, visitor can use route Bandung – Tasikmalaya - Pangandaran. Ithe distance around 236 kilometer. Besides with bus, visitor can entrain until station Banjar. From Banjar, journey is continued with bus until Pangandaran. From Yogyakarta, visitor can apply route Yogyakarta - Cilacap - Banjar - Pangandaran. the distance around 385 kilometer. Besides with bus, visitor can entrain until station Banjar. From Banjar, journey is continued with bus until Pangandaran. Accomodation and Facility In Pangandaran Beach area, there are various supporting facilities, like safe and wide parking bays, hotel with various types, team SAR, camping ground, guide, and tourism information center. Despitefully, in the area there are other facility, like bank, ATM, money changer, restaurant, booth eats, theater, place of rent of bicycle and tire, ski jet propulsion, telephone-shop, voucher refill, the sailing, and present centre and handicraft outlet.