Near the village of Sapeh, district of Lumbang, about 33 km to the north east of Probolinggo, there is a spectacular waterfall known as Madakaripura. It is hidden in the dense forest of the mountain range of Tengger. It is very inspiring and adds the excitement of your visit to Mt. Bromo.
This object, with a height of 620 m above the sea level, is on a gentle slope with a friendly atmosphere. You can feel the roar as the water falls from a height of 200 m creating an awe-inspiring waterfall. It is more likely a happening of something that takes place in a fairy land.
The best time to see the falls is between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. when the sun is high enough to light up the valley's bottom. One may bathe in the falls' pure natural water, which, it is said, cures rheumatism and all kinds of disorders besides preserving youth and vigor.
During the rainy season, visitors will have to be careful as overflowing may occur occasionally. Attention should be paid to notes of warning. This waterfall, which is quite easy to be visited, is just 6 km from Sukapura, the gateway of Mt. Bromo (www. petra.ac.id)